DTM Road Hawk Asset Protection Remote Data System
Real Estate Asset Protection Remote Data System
DTM Consultants were approached by a client who had a problem with vehicles on his Estate driving too fast and destroying the roadways in bad weather...
Using our experience in Low Power Radio Data Systems and the GPRS network we have developed a unique system for capturing vehicle
data and populating a web based database with that data.
The main use for this system so far has been private property speed enforcement, our first client had some difficulties keeping
vehicle speed under control on their private estate, so we have developed a system which integrates CCTV with data monitoring and
produces an archive record of all vehicles’ registration numbers associated with CCTV footage which have exceeded the posted
speed limit. The system can be covert, but we have found that making it plain to see has the best effect in reducing vehicle speed
over the estates roadways.
The system, called “DTM Road Hawk”, measures the speed of passing vehicles using a unique Doppler shift sound analysis
algorithm, and if the calculated speed, which can be within 0.1 mph, exceeds the user set limit, 5mph in our first client’s
case, the time and date stamp is recorded along with the vehicle registration number, its speed of course, a single frame of the
video feed, and a link to the CCTV timeline for later footage recovery. All that data is packaged and sent from the remote TxPod via
RF to a local DataHub, buffered, and periodically uploaded to the web using FTP transfer on the national GPRS mobile phone network.
There is also a proximity detector so that anyone attempting to tamper with the remote systems or cameras will be recorded doing so
and that data immediately uploaded to the web up to the point that they destroy the camera if they get that far!
A sample page of the database entries can be seen below. This is all real data from one of our test sites, so you can see by how much
the 5mph limit is broken here with all the safety and liability implications that that carries. Vehicle registration numbers have been
removed to protect the guilty, but are normally a data output of the database. Owner data can be normally recovered via a DVLA approved authority.
Once faced with the hard facts of the impact (literally!) of their excess speed, the problem has very nearly disappeared. For more info
on this unique solution to a common problem contact us.
time |
date |
speed peak mph |
type |
colour |
reg |
heading deg |
latlong |
videolink |
photo |
notes |
owner if known |
16:27 |
01/01/2013 |
21.4 |
VW Passat est |
black |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c16274601012013 |
08:42 |
07/01/2013 |
17.7 |
MB Sprinter |
multi |
XX12 YYY |
181.45 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c08425407012013 |
Ocado |
10:03 |
07/01/2013 |
14.8 |
Vx Vivaro |
white |
XX12 YYY |
181.02 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c10033007012013 |
15:50 |
07/01/2013 |
17.8 |
MB Sprinter |
white |
XX12 YYY |
181.89 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c15500507012013 |
16:01 |
07/01/2013 |
16.4 |
VW Passat est |
black |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c16014607012013 |
17:40 |
07/01/2013 |
16.4 |
BMW 07 3s |
black |
XX12 YYY |
181.32 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c17404307012013 |
11:09 |
11/01/2013 |
12.7 |
Audi Q7 |
black |
XX12 YYY |
181.45 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c11093411012013 |
10:08 |
16/01/2013 |
14.4 |
MB Sprinter |
brown |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c10084616012013 |
16:17 |
16/01/2013 |
20.8 |
VW Golf NaN |
black |
XX12 YYY |
001.89 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c16172116012013 |
12:03 |
18/01/2013 |
9.4 |
MB Sprinter |
multi |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c12034618012013 |
Ocado |
06:22 |
28/01/2013 |
no record |
VW Touareg |
grey |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c06224628012013 |
hit house |
10:24 |
29/01/2013 |
14.2 |
Volvo XC90 |
silver |
XX12 YYY |
182.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c16014607012013 |
10:37 |
29/01/2013 |
15.4 |
Volvo XC90 |
black |
XX12 YYY |
181.32 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c17404307012013 |
10:30 |
29/01/2013 |
12.4 |
Audi Q7 |
black |
XX12 YYY |
181.45 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c11093411012013 |
10:30 |
29/01/2013 |
11.6 |
MB C class |
silver |
XX12 YYY |
181.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c10084616012013 |
10:30 |
29/01/2013 |
12.7 |
Peug 306 cab |
green |
XX12 YYY |
181.89 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c16172116012013 |
10:30 |
29/01/2013 |
18.5 |
LR Disco |
blue |
XX12 YYY |
181.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c12034618012013 |
10:38 |
29/01/2013 |
22.1 |
Peug 306 est |
blue |
XX12 YYY |
181.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c06224628012013 |
10:38 |
29/01/2013 |
18.7 |
Range R Vogue |
XX12 YYY |
181.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c16274601012013 |
10:46 |
29/01/2013 |
12.4 |
BMW X1 |
XX12 YYY |
182.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c08425407012013 |
10:55 |
29/01/2013 |
29.8 |
Audi A4 |
silver |
XX12 YYY |
181.32 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c10033007012013 |
10:56 |
29/01/2013 |
22.4 |
Mini hatch |
silver |
XX12 YYY |
181.45 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c15500507012013 |
11:05 |
29/01/2013 |
15.3 |
LR Disco |
XX12 YYY |
181.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c16014607012013 |
11:08 |
29/01/2013 |
17.7 |
Audi Q7 |
black |
XX12 YYY |
181.89 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c17404307012013 |
14:13 |
29/01/2013 |
12.4 |
LR Disco |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c11093411012013 |
14:26 |
29/01/2013 |
12.7 |
Peug 306 est |
blue |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c10084616012013 |
11:08 |
29/01/2013 |
8.5 |
Volvo XC90 |
black |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c16172116012013 |
11:08 |
29/01/2013 |
8.3 |
Volvo XC90 |
silver |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c12034618012013 |
11:08 |
29/01/2013 |
10.3 |
Peug 306 cab |
green |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c06224628012013 |
14:56 |
29/01/2013 |
22.9 |
Audi A4 |
silver |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c16014607012013 |
15:04 |
29/01/2013 |
11.3 |
Volvo XC90 |
silver |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c17404307012013 |
15:05 |
29/01/2013 |
13.4 |
MB C class |
silver |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c11093411012013 |
15:17 |
29/01/2013 |
14.7 |
Range R Vogue |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c10084616012013 |
15:19 |
29/01/2013 |
15.8 |
LR Disco |
blue |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c16172116012013 |
15:21 |
29/01/2013 |
17.8 |
VW Fox |
black |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660937,-1.198255 |
c12034618012013 |
15:22 |
29/01/2013 |
12.9 |
Mini hatch |
silver |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c06224628012013 |
15:22 |
29/01/2013 |
21.9 |
Audi Q7 |
black |
XX12 YYY |
001.45 |
51.660204,-1.198218 |
c17404307012013 |
hit white post |